The Magnificant Seven set off for darkest Shropshire on Sunday14th July for the Area Dressage competition with mixed fortunes. The Open team of Lucy Filby, John Marsden, Nikki Toomer and Tyler Cassells were 2nd overall, with Tyler winning his novice class on Ricky Ramiro. Unfortnately it is unlikely that they will qualify for Lincoln as there weren’t enough teams from the Area as a whole. The Riding Test and Novice Dressage teams of Hannah Leech, Jo Trelawney, Juliet Foden and Nikki Toomer were 5th in both classes. Nikki on Drumblewwod April Joy won their Preliminary section with a mark of 82.1% – what a trooper, she rode 3 tests on an exceedingly hot day! Many thanks to our helpers who did sterling work and also to all those who came and supported us.
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Membership costs £35 a year and has a host of benefits. Contact Alison for more info. Competitions are open to non-members at a non-discounted rate. Non-members must abide by club rules and have their own public liability insurance as they will not be covered by the club’s insurance.
** Upcoming Events **
Watch this space for upcoming clinics!
Competitions (all at Somerford):
Dressage on 9th February and 2nd March
Showjumping on 23rd February and 16th March
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