I have been reading on face book the comments made after the FOTH was abandoned and although I appreciate a lot of them were made out of frustration, I am also disappointed with the response from some of our members on a public forum.
Whilst I recognise the effort that everyone has gone through to qualify, to re schedule an event of this size could not be done easily. A venue would have to be located, the stabling, toilets, stands, marquees, all re booked, and of course, the most important factor, the giving up of more time from all the volunteers, who had already put aside that weekend to run the FOTH.
Andrew Chadwick has had to deal with a lot of negative comments and criticism, from area 20 members, all made within a short time of the announcement being made, with people expecting him to move the event to a new venue. As Chairperson, I don’t want to stop people expressing their views but please consider how the comments are viewed and the impact they can have on both BRC and our own club.
I am sorry that our teams have not had an opportunity to compete at the Championships this year, but please don’t let this dampen your spirits for teams this year.