ECCTG Constitution

The Club shall be known as the East Cheshire Combined Training Group (ECCTG).
A. To encourage riding as a sport and recreation, to promote good fellowship amongst riders and to maintain and improve the standard of riding and horsemanship.B. To organise instructional meetings, lectures and competitive events and other activities to further these objectives.C. To be affiliated to British Riding Clubs (British Horse Society).
This shall consist of persons who have attained the age of seventeen years and have paid the due subscription for the current period. Honorary membership may be conferred by the Committee upon any person deemed by them to have rendered notable service to the Club.
Anyone desirous of becoming a member applies through Horse Monkey and the Chairman will be aware of their application. The Committee if consulted shall have the right to reject any application for membership it deems unsuitable.
The Committee may expel from membership of the Club any member who has breached any of the rules of the Club, or who has in the opinion of the Committee been guilty of any conduct derogatory to the character or prejudicial to the interests of the Club, providing that before expelling him or her the Committee shall call upon him or her for an explanation of his or her conduct and provide a proper opportunity of answering the allegations against him or her.

The Committee.A. All powers of management shall be vested in the Committee consisting of the Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and other Committee members. Three shall form a quorum.B. The Committee shall call an Annual General Meeting.C. The decision of the Committee shall be final unless overruled at a General Meeting.D. The Committee may formulate rules for the detailed running of the Club and elect sub committees for any special activities of the Club which the committee may authorise.E. The Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the Rules and for anything relating to the Club not provided therein and their decision shall be final and binding on the members.F. The Committee shall have the power to fill any casual vacancy arising amongst officers or members of the Committee, but any person so co-opted shall retain office only until the next following AGM and then shall be eligible for re-election.G. The Committee will publicise any known Officer and/or committee vacancy so members may put forward nominations. All positions of the Club must be approved by a majority of the members present at the AGM.
The financial year of the Club shall commence on the 1st January each year.
The annual subscription will be determined and kept under review by the Committee.
The Committee may appoint a President and a Vice President. They shall not by virtue of this appointment only become members of the Committee.
Notice convening the AGM shall be sent to members not less that 14 days before the meeting with the agenda. The following business shall be transacted:Receive the Chairman’s ReportReceive and if approved adopt a statement of the Clubs accounts to the end of the preceding yearElect Officers and Committee for the following yearConsider any other relevant business.
A General Meeting may be called by the Committee, or by request from the members. All members should be given ten day’s notice of the date of such a meeting with specification of matters on the agenda.
The Accounts of the Club shall be examined each year by a suitably qualified professional person. This should be noted at the AGM. The financial year shall run from Jan 1st to Dec 31st.
Members should be notified of all meetings.The accidental omission of such notification shall not invalidate the proceedings of any meeting.
This Constitution may be added to, repealed or amended by resolution at any Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting, provided that prior notice has been sent to all members stating the proposed amendment and provided that at least two thirds of the members present have approved the resolution.
The Secretary shall receive a £650 honorarium each year.
With the agreement of the Committee the Club may invest in equipment and facilities to further the objectives of the Club in an economically efficient manner. All monies and assets are retained under sole ownership of the ECCTG and are to be disposed of as agreed by the committee.
Any misconduct of any Club member shall be brought before the committee who shall have the power after taking evidence and hearing from all involved parties to suspend or expel. A committee member may be asked to resign if a vote of no confidence is proposed and passed.
In case of dissolution, all assets are to be donated to our chosen charities – amongst which will be the Air ambulance and World Horse Welfare.