Welcome to the new ECCTG website – we hope you like it!
It has everything the old website had, plus a few extra bonus features:
- New look and layout – take a look around to see what’s new on the website. And in case you hadn’t noticed it, we’ve got a new logo!
- Search – you can use this to find the page you need quickly, and also to find which events you have been allocated for duty days
- Calendar – all club competitions and training are listed here. You can subscribe to this so it will link to your smartphone or online diary. It is colour coded and tagged to help you find each event type (e.g. training vs competition) or discipline and can be viewed like a calendar or as an agenda (more like in the programme)
We’ve got a few more ideas to add in yet too, like trainer profiles and a gallery for all the photos of our lovely members out and about at training and competitions. If there is anything we’ve forgotten or any mistakes we’ve made, let us know and we’ll see what we can do!