Dressage test training with list 3 judge Sarah Dobell

An opportunity for ECCTG members to ride a test of their choice (BD or BE), discuss it and then repeat movements or the complete test as preferred – a splendid opportunity to tune up for the Wendy Ashtons!  We have a fairly wide selection of test sheets available if required – either choose a test from Club stocks or bring your test score sheet with you for Sarah to judge.
Venue: Rowley House, Kermincham, CW4 8DX (thanks to Juliet)
Potential date update: Oct 8th looking most likely. Sept 13th. no longer available, but 22nd or 30th still potentials – note Sarah travels some distance, so we would of course need to form orderly groups!

Please contact Libby erichards@nullbtinternet.com or 01477 532916 if interested – we can refine format for individual preference but starting point could be 30 minutes at a cost of £15.

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